New-AppvSequencerPackage is accessible with the help of AppvSequencer module. To install AppvSequencer, go through this link.
Creates a new App-V package.
The New-AppvSequencerPackage cmdlet creates a new Microsoft Application Virtualization (App-V) package, either using an installer, an App-V accelerator, or an accelerator with an installed application. The cmdlet accepts a template file, as well as the option to force the package to be fully streamed to the computer before running the package.
Specifies the path to the accelerator file for this package. If the accelerator is not signed or is not accepted by the Sequencer, an error is returned.
Type: | String |
Position: | 2 |
Default value: | None |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Indicates that the package is required to be fully downloaded before being launched.
Type: | SwitchParameter |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | None |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Specifies the location of the installation media that the Sequencer points to and generates an accelerator.
Type: | String |
Position: | 3 |
Default value: | None |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Specifies the location of the already installed files used to create a new App-V package with the aid of an App-V Accelerator.
Type: | String |
Position: | 3 |
Default value: | None |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Specifies a collection of MSIs, setup executables, or other executables needed to be run to create the App-V package.
Type: | String |
Position: | 2 |
Default value: | None |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Specifies the name of the App-V package. This is also the name of all files outputted by the sequencing process.
Type: | String |
Position: | 0 |
Default value: | None |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Specifies the folder where the package is saved.
Type: | String |
Aliases: | OutputPath |
Position: | 1 |
Default value: | None |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Specifies the location where the application is being installed. This must be a path on the local computer.
Type: | String |
Position: | 3 |
Default value: | None |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Specifies the path to the App-V package template file to be used for this package.
Type: | String |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | None |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
New-AppvSequencerPackage [-FullLoad] [-Installer] <String> [[-PrimaryVirtualApplicationDirectory] <String>] [-Name] <String> [-Path] <String> [-TemplateFilePath <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
New-AppvSequencerPackage [-AcceleratorFilePath] <String> [-InstallMediaPath] <String> [-Name] <String> [-Path] <String> [<CommonParameters>]
New-AppvSequencerPackage [-AcceleratorFilePath] <String> [-InstalledFilesPath] <String> [-Name] <String> [-Path] <String> [<CommonParameters>]
——————-Example 1——————-
Create a package
PS C:\> New-AppvSequencerPackage -Name “VPackage” -OutputPath “C:\VPackage” -PrimaryVirtualApplicationDirectory “C:\Program Files\VApp” -Installer “C:\installers\MVApp\setup.exe”
This command creates a package for the application VApp.
——————-Example 2——————-
Create a package that must be fully downloaded
PS C:\> New-AppvSequencerPackage -Name VPackage2 -OutputPath C:\VPackages -PrimaryVirtualApplicationDirectory “C:\Program Files\VApp -Installer C:\installers\VApp\setup.exe -FullLoad
This command creates a package that must be fully downloaded for the application VApp.
——————-Example 3——————-
Create a package using a pre-generated accelerator
PS C:\> New-AppvSequencerPackage -Name “VPackage” -OutputPath “C:\VPackages” -AcceleratorFilePath “C:\VAccelerators\” -PrimaryVirtualApplicationDirectory “C:\VApp\” -InstalledMediaPath “C:\Installers\PreReq\” -Installer “C:\Installers\VApp\setup.exe”
This command creates a new package VApp using a pre-generated package accelerator.
——————-Example 4——————-
Create a package using a template file
PS C:\> New-AppvSequencerPackage -Name “VPackage” -TemplateFilePath “C:\template.appvt” -OutputPath “C:\Packages\VPackage” -PrimaryVirtualApplicationDirectory “C:\Program Files\VApp” -Installer “C:\Installers\VApp\setup.exe”
This command creates a new VApp package using a template file.
You can check the Version, CommandType and Source of this cmdlet by giving below command.
Get-Command New-AppvSequencerPackage

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