Pycharm installation in Ubuntu

PyCharm is an integrated development environment used in computer programming, specifically for the Python language. It is developed by the Czech company JetBrains.

Simple steps to install Pycharm in Ubuntu,

Search Pycharm in Google, to get latest version of Pycharm.

Go to the official website or just click the link below,

If you click the link above you will be here and,

Click>>save file>> OK

This is the download of Pycharm IDE.

Now, after downloading

        Go to terminal,

        Type in the below commands.

        cd Downloads (then enter, and type the next mentioned command)


        tar –xvzf pycharm-professional.2018.3.4.tar.gz (this is the version which I have in current and you need to enter the cmd like, tar –xvzf (your current version of pycharm).tar.gz

After entering the commands the files will get extracted in the downloads


ls which shows the list in the current directory,

Then enter cd (whatever the texts which appears beside the red command as highlighted in above snap.

Later type

        cd bincd ./pycharm.ah

Now, follow the procedure as in the snapshots.

This is where you can select any of the themes.

Just check the box and continue with the installation.

Click >> Start using Pycharm.

Enter the password of the desktop which you usually try to log in to Ubuntu account.

Click >> Evaluate.

The Pycharm has now successfully being installed,

You can now create your new project.

This is the path of the project to be stored and the demo is the project name (you can give any project name).

Cllick >>create.

This is the Pycharm IDE interface.

To create a new python text file

Click >> file>>new

You will find some list similar to this

Click>>Python File

Give any name for this python file.

After all the above steps you will find the editor where we can write the code, run and debug.

IF you have any issues Please comment Below 🙂

We hope this is easy and reliable steps to install Pycharm on Ubuntu

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