Amazon Pinpoint
Amazon Pinpoint is a flexible and scalable outbound and inbound marketing communications service. You can connect with customers over channels like email, SMS, push, or voice. Amazon Pinpoint is easy to set up, easy to use, and is flexible for all marketing communication scenarios. Segment your campaign audience for the right customer and personalize your messages with the right content. Delivery and campaign metrics in Amazon Pinpoint measure the success of your communications. Amazon Pinpoint can grow with you and scales globally to billions of messages per day across channels.
Below are the cmdlets which are available with Amazon Pinpoint
CmdletName | ServiceOperation |
Add-PINResourceTag | TagResource |
Confirm-PINPhoneNumber | PhoneNumberValidate |
Get-PINAdmChannel | GetAdmChannel |
Get-PINApnsChannel | GetApnsChannel |
Get-PINApnsSandboxChannel | GetApnsSandboxChannel |
Get-PINApnsVoipChannel | GetApnsVoipChannel |
Get-PINApnsVoipSandboxChannel | GetApnsVoipSandboxChannel |
Get-PINApp | GetApp |
Get-PINApplicationDateRangeKpi | GetApplicationDateRangeKpi |
Get-PINApplicationSettingList | GetApplicationSettings |
Get-PINAppList | GetApps |
Get-PINBaiduChannel | GetBaiduChannel |
Get-PINCampaign | GetCampaign |
Get-PINCampaignActivityList | GetCampaignActivities |
Get-PINCampaignDateRangeKpi | GetCampaignDateRangeKpi |
Get-PINCampaignList | GetCampaigns |
Get-PINCampaignVersion | GetCampaignVersion |
Get-PINCampaignVersionList | GetCampaignVersions |
Get-PINChannel | GetChannels |
Get-PINEmailChannel | GetEmailChannel |
Get-PINEmailTemplate | GetEmailTemplate |
Get-PINEndpoint | GetEndpoint |
Get-PINEventStream | GetEventStream |
Get-PINExportJob | GetExportJob |
Get-PINExportJobList | GetExportJobs |
Get-PINGcmChannel | GetGcmChannel |
Get-PINImportJob | GetImportJob |
Get-PINImportJobList | GetImportJobs |
Get-PINJourney | GetJourney |
Get-PINJourneyDateRangeKpi | GetJourneyDateRangeKpi |
Get-PINJourneyExecutionActivityMetric | GetJourneyExecutionActivityMetrics |
Get-PINJourneyExecutionMetric | GetJourneyExecutionMetrics |
Get-PINJourneyList | ListJourneys |
Get-PINPushTemplate | GetPushTemplate |
Get-PINRecommenderConfiguration | GetRecommenderConfiguration |
Get-PINRecommenderConfigurationList | GetRecommenderConfigurations |
Get-PINResourceTag | ListTagsForResource |
Get-PINSegment | GetSegment |
Get-PINSegmentExportJobList | GetSegmentExportJobs |
Get-PINSegmentImportJobList | GetSegmentImportJobs |
Get-PINSegmentList | GetSegments |
Get-PINSegmentVersion | GetSegmentVersion |
Get-PINSegmentVersionList | GetSegmentVersions |
Get-PINSmsChannel | GetSmsChannel |
Get-PINSmsTemplate | GetSmsTemplate |
Get-PINTemplateList | ListTemplates |
Get-PINTemplateVersionList | ListTemplateVersions |
Get-PINUserEndpoint | GetUserEndpoints |
Get-PINVoiceChannel | GetVoiceChannel |
Get-PINVoiceTemplate | GetVoiceTemplate |
New-PINApp | CreateApp |
New-PINCampaign | CreateCampaign |
New-PINEmailTemplate | CreateEmailTemplate |
New-PINExportJob | CreateExportJob |
New-PINImportJob | CreateImportJob |
New-PINJourney | CreateJourney |
New-PINPushTemplate | CreatePushTemplate |
New-PINRecommenderConfiguration | CreateRecommenderConfiguration |
New-PINSegment | CreateSegment |
New-PINSmsTemplate | CreateSmsTemplate |
New-PINVoiceTemplate | CreateVoiceTemplate |
Remove-PINAdmChannel | DeleteAdmChannel |
Remove-PINApnsChannel | DeleteApnsChannel |
Remove-PINApnsSandboxChannel | DeleteApnsSandboxChannel |
Remove-PINApnsVoipChannel | DeleteApnsVoipChannel |
Remove-PINApnsVoipSandboxChannel | DeleteApnsVoipSandboxChannel |
Remove-PINApp | DeleteApp |
Remove-PINAttribute | RemoveAttributes |
Remove-PINBaiduChannel | DeleteBaiduChannel |
Remove-PINCampaign | DeleteCampaign |
Remove-PINEmailChannel | DeleteEmailChannel |
Remove-PINEmailTemplate | DeleteEmailTemplate |
Remove-PINEndpoint | DeleteEndpoint |
Remove-PINEventStream | DeleteEventStream |
Remove-PINGcmChannel | DeleteGcmChannel |
Remove-PINJourney | DeleteJourney |
Remove-PINPushTemplate | DeletePushTemplate |
Remove-PINRecommenderConfiguration | DeleteRecommenderConfiguration |
Remove-PINResourceTag | UntagResource |
Remove-PINSegment | DeleteSegment |
Remove-PINSmsChannel | DeleteSmsChannel |
Remove-PINSmsTemplate | DeleteSmsTemplate |
Remove-PINUserEndpoint | DeleteUserEndpoints |
Remove-PINVoiceChannel | DeleteVoiceChannel |
Remove-PINVoiceTemplate | DeleteVoiceTemplate |
Send-PINMessage | SendMessages |
Send-PINUserMessageBatch | SendUsersMessages |
Update-PINAdmChannel | UpdateAdmChannel |
Update-PINApnsChannel | UpdateApnsChannel |
Update-PINApnsSandboxChannel | UpdateApnsSandboxChannel |
Update-PINApnsVoipChannel | UpdateApnsVoipChannel |
Update-PINApnsVoipSandboxChannel | UpdateApnsVoipSandboxChannel |
Update-PINApplicationSettingList | UpdateApplicationSettings |
Update-PINBaiduChannel | UpdateBaiduChannel |
Update-PINCampaign | UpdateCampaign |
Update-PINEmailChannel | UpdateEmailChannel |
Update-PINEmailTemplate | UpdateEmailTemplate |
Update-PINEndpoint | UpdateEndpoint |
Update-PINEndpointsBatch | UpdateEndpointsBatch |
Update-PINGcmChannel | UpdateGcmChannel |
Update-PINJourney | UpdateJourney |
Update-PINJourneyState | UpdateJourneyState |
Update-PINPushTemplate | UpdatePushTemplate |
Update-PINRecommenderConfiguration | UpdateRecommenderConfiguration |
Update-PINSegment | UpdateSegment |
Update-PINSmsChannel | UpdateSmsChannel |
Update-PINSmsTemplate | UpdateSmsTemplate |
Update-PINTemplateActiveVersion | UpdateTemplateActiveVersion |
Update-PINVoiceChannel | UpdateVoiceChannel |
Update-PINVoiceTemplate | UpdateVoiceTemplate |
Write-PINEvent | PutEvents |
Write-PINEventStream | PutEventStream |
You can also check other AWS Services, and each services cmdlets we are providing.