Amazon Macie
Amazon Macie is a fully managed data security and data privacy service that uses machine learning and pattern matching to discover and protect your sensitive data in AWS.
As organizations manage growing volumes of data, identifying and protecting their sensitive data at scale can become increasingly complex, expensive, and time-consuming. Amazon Macie automates the discovery of sensitive data at scale and lowers the cost of protecting your data. Macie automatically provides an inventory of Amazon S3 buckets including a list of unencrypted buckets, publicly accessible buckets, and buckets shared with AWS accounts outside those you have defined in AWS Organizations. Then, Macie applies machine learning and pattern matching techniques to the buckets you select to identify and alert you to sensitive data, such as personally identifiable information (PII). Macie’s alerts, or findings, can be searched and filtered in the AWS Management Console and sent to Amazon CloudWatch Events for easy integration with existing workflow or event management systems, or to be used in combination with AWS services, such as AWS Step Functions to take automated remediation actions. This can help you meet regulations, such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and General Data Privacy Regulation (GDPR). You can get started with Amazon Macie with a few clicks in the AWS Management Console.
Below are the cmdlets which are available with Amazon Macie
CmdletName | ServiceOperation |
Add-MACMemberAccount | AssociateMemberAccount |
Add-MACS3Resource | AssociateS3Resources |
Get-MACMemberAccountList | ListMemberAccounts |
Get-MACS3ResourceList | ListS3Resources |
Remove-MACMemberAccount | DisassociateMemberAccount |
Remove-MACS3Resource | DisassociateS3Resources |
Update-MACS3Resource | UpdateS3Resources |
Add-MAC2ResourceTag | TagResource |
Approve-MAC2Invitation | AcceptInvitation |
Deny-MAC2Invitation | DeclineInvitations |
Disable-MAC2Macie | DisableMacie |
Disable-MAC2OrganizationAdminAccount | DisableOrganizationAdminAccount |
Enable-MAC2Macie | EnableMacie |
Enable-MAC2OrganizationAdminAccount | EnableOrganizationAdminAccount |
Get-MAC2Bucket | DescribeBuckets |
Get-MAC2BucketStatistic | GetBucketStatistics |
Get-MAC2ClassificationExportConfiguration | GetClassificationExportConfiguration |
Get-MAC2ClassificationJob | DescribeClassificationJob |
Get-MAC2ClassificationJobList | ListClassificationJobs |
Get-MAC2CustomDataIdentifier | GetCustomDataIdentifier |
Get-MAC2CustomDataIdentifierList | ListCustomDataIdentifiers |
Get-MAC2Finding | GetFindings |
Get-MAC2FindingList | ListFindings |
Get-MAC2FindingsFilter | GetFindingsFilter |
Get-MAC2FindingsFilterList | ListFindingsFilters |
Get-MAC2FindingStatistic | GetFindingStatistics |
Get-MAC2GetCustomDataIdentifier | BatchGetCustomDataIdentifiers |
Get-MAC2InvitationList | ListInvitations |
Get-MAC2InvitationsCount | GetInvitationsCount |
Get-MAC2MacieSession | GetMacieSession |
Get-MAC2MasterAccount | GetMasterAccount |
Get-MAC2Member | GetMember |
Get-MAC2MemberList | ListMembers |
Get-MAC2OrganizationAdminAccountList | ListOrganizationAdminAccounts |
Get-MAC2OrganizationConfiguration | DescribeOrganizationConfiguration |
Get-MAC2ResourceTag | ListTagsForResource |
Get-MAC2UsageStatistic | GetUsageStatistics |
Get-MAC2UsageTotal | GetUsageTotals |
New-MAC2ClassificationJob | CreateClassificationJob |
New-MAC2CustomDataIdentifier | CreateCustomDataIdentifier |
New-MAC2FindingsFilter | CreateFindingsFilter |
New-MAC2Invitation | CreateInvitations |
New-MAC2Member | CreateMember |
New-MAC2SampleFinding | CreateSampleFindings |
Remove-MAC2CustomDataIdentifier | DeleteCustomDataIdentifier |
Remove-MAC2FindingsFilter | DeleteFindingsFilter |
Remove-MAC2Invitation | DeleteInvitations |
Remove-MAC2Member | DeleteMember |
Remove-MAC2ResourceTag | UntagResource |
Test-MAC2CustomDataIdentifier | TestCustomDataIdentifier |
Unregister-MAC2FromMasterAccount | DisassociateFromMasterAccount |
Unregister-MAC2Member | DisassociateMember |
Update-MAC2ClassificationJob | UpdateClassificationJob |
Update-MAC2FindingsFilter | UpdateFindingsFilter |
Update-MAC2MacieSession | UpdateMacieSession |
Update-MAC2MemberSession | UpdateMemberSession |
Update-MAC2OrganizationConfiguration | UpdateOrganizationConfiguration |
Write-MAC2ClassificationExportConfiguration | PutClassificationExportConfiguration |
You can also check other AWS Services, and each services cmdlets we are providing.