Get-AdfsGlobalAuthenticationPolicy is accessible with the help of adfs module. To install adfs on your system please refer to this adfs.
Displays the AD FS global policy.
The Get-AdfsGlobalAuthenticationPolicy cmdlet displays the global authentication policy, which includes the providers currently allowed as additional providers in the AdditionalAuthenticationProvider property.
Get-AdfsGlobalAuthenticationPolicy []
——————Example 1——————
Display the global authentication policy
PS C:> Get-AdfsGlobalAuthenticationPolicy
AdditionalAuthenticationProvider : {MultiFactorAuthentication}
DeviceAuthenticationEnabled : True
PrimaryIntranetAuthenticationProvider : {WindowsAuthentication}
PrimaryExtranetAuthenticationProvider : {FormsAuthentication, CertificateAuthentication}
WindowsIntegratedFallbackEnabled : True
This command displays the global authentication policy.
You can check the Version, CommandType and Source of this cmdlet by giving below command.
Get-Command Get-AdfsGlobalAuthenticationPolicy

You can also read about
- Set-AdfsGlobalAuthenticationPolicy