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Install-AdcsEnrollmentPolicyWebService is accessible with the help of ADCSDeployment module. To install ADCSDeployment on your system please refer to this link.

Performs the configuration of Certificate Enrollment Policy Web service.

The Install-AdcsEnrollmentPolicyWebService cmdlet performs the configuration of Certificate Enrollment Policy Web service. It is also used to create additional instances of the service within an existing installation. To remove the certification authority role service use the Uninstall-AdcsEnrollmentPolicyWebService cmdlet.

You can import the cmdlet by running the following commands from Windows PowerShell:
Import-Module ServerManager
Add-WindowsFeature Adcs-Enroll-Web-Pol


         Defines the authentication type used by the Certificate Enrollment Policy Web Service: Certificate, Kerberos, or UserName.

    Required?                    false
    Position?                    named
    Default value                
    Accept pipeline input?       true (ByPropertyName)
    Accept wildcard characters?  false

-Credential <PSCredential>
    Specifies the credentials for installing the Enrollment Policy Web Service. The Enrollment Policy Web Service must be installed on a server that is a member of an Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) domain. You must use an account that is a member of Domain Admins group to install this service.

    Required?                    false
    Position?                    named
    Default value                
    Accept pipeline input?       true (ByPropertyName)
    Accept wildcard characters?  false

-Force <SwitchParameter>

    Required?                    false
    Position?                    named
    Default value                
    Accept pipeline input?       false
    Accept wildcard characters?  false

-KeyBasedRenewal <SwitchParameter>
    Configures the Certificate Enrollment Policy Web Service to operate in key-based renewal mode. Key-based renewal allows certificate clients to renew their certificates using the key of their existing certificate for authentication. When in key-based renewal mode, the service will only return certificate templates that are set for key based renewal.

    Required?                    false
    Position?                    named
    Default value                
    Accept pipeline input?       true (ByPropertyName)
    Accept wildcard characters?  false

-SSLCertThumbprint <String>
    Specifies the thumbprint of the certificate used by Internet Information Service (IIS) to enable support for required Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).

    Required?                    false
    Position?                    named
    Default value                
    Accept pipeline input?       true (ByPropertyName)
    Accept wildcard characters?  false


     Install-AdcsEnrollmentPolicyWebService [-AuthenticationType ] [-Credential ] [-Force ] [-KeyBasedRenewal ] [-SSLCertThumbprint ] []  

Ensure you run Windows PowerShell as an administrator. You can use the -force switch to bypass the prompt for confirmation.

————————– EXAMPLE 1 ————————–
C:\PS>Install-AdcsEnrollmentPolicyWebService -AuthenticationType Kerberos -SSLCertThumbprint
This command installs the Certificate Enrollment Policy Web Service using Kerberos for authentication. Replace with the actual certificate thumbprint. For information on obtaining a certificate thumbprint using PowerShell.

————————– EXAMPLE 2 ————————–
C:\PS>Install-AdcsEnrollmentPolicyWebService -AuthenticationType Username -SSLCertThumbprint
This command installs the Certificate Enrollment Policy Web Service specifying that username and password is used for authentication. Replace with the actual certificate thumbprint.

————————– EXAMPLE 3 ————————–
C:\PS>Install-AdcsEnrollmentPolicyWebService -AuthenticationType Username -SSLCertThumbprint -KeyBasedRenewal
This command installs the Certificate Enrollment Policy Web Service specifying that username and password is used for authentication and configures the service for Key-Based Renewal of the certificate. Replace with the actual certificate thumbprint.

You can check the Version, CommandType and Source of this cmdlet by giving below command.

Get-Command Install-AdcsEnrollmentPolicyWebService

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