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AWS OpsWorks

AWS OpsWorks is a configuration management service that provides managed instances of Chef and Puppet. Chef and Puppet are automation platforms that allow you to use code to automate the configurations of your servers. OpsWorks lets you use Chef and Puppet to automate how servers are configured, deployed, and managed across your Amazon EC2 instances or on-premises compute environments. OpsWorks has three offerings, AWS Opsworks for Chef Automate, AWS OpsWorks for Puppet Enterprise, and AWS OpsWorks Stacks.

Below are the cmdlets which are available with AWS OpsWorks

Add-OPSElasticIp                                   AssociateElasticIp                            AWS OpsWorks                                         
Add-OPSElasticLoadBalancer                         AttachElasticLoadBalancer                     AWS OpsWorks                                         
Add-OPSResourceTag                                 TagResource                                   AWS OpsWorks                                         
Add-OPSVolume                                      AssignVolume                                  AWS Ops Works                                         
Copy-OPSStack                                      CloneStack                                    AWS Ops Works                                         
Dismount-OPSElasticLoadBalancer                    DetachElasticLoadBalancer                     AWS Ops Works                                         
Get-OPSAgentVersion                                DescribeAgentVersions                         AWS Ops Works                                         
Get-OPSApp                                         DescribeApps                                  AWS Ops Works                                         
Get-OPSCommand                                     DescribeCommands                              AWS Ops Works                                         
Get-OPSDeployment                                  DescribeDeployments                           AWS Ops Works                                         
Get-OPSEcsCluster                                  DescribeEcsClusters                           AWS Ops Works                                         
Get-OPSElasticIp                                   DescribeElasticIps                            AWS Ops Works                                         
Get-OPSElasticLoadBalancer                         DescribeElasticLoadBalancers                  AWS Ops Works                                         
Get-OPSHostnameSuggestion                          GetHostnameSuggestion                         AWS Ops Works                                         
Get-OPSInstance                                    DescribeInstances                             AWS Ops Works                                         
Get-OPSLayer                                       DescribeLayers                                AWS Ops Works                                         
Get-OPSLoadBasedAutoScaling                        DescribeLoadBasedAutoScaling                  AWS Ops Works                                         
Get-OPSMyUserProfile                               DescribeMyUserProfile                         AWS Ops Works                                         
Get-OPSOperatingSystem                             DescribeOperatingSystems                      AWS Ops Works                                         
Get-OPSPermission                                  DescribePermissions                           AWS Ops Works                                         
Get-OPSRaidArray                                   DescribeRaidArrays                            AWS Ops Works                                         
Get-OPSRdsDbInstance                               DescribeRdsDbInstances                        AWS Ops Works                                         
Get-OPSResourceTag                                 ListTags                                      AWS Ops Works                                         
Get-OPSServiceError                                DescribeServiceErrors                         AWS Ops Works                                         
Get-OPSStack                                       DescribeStacks                                AWS Ops Works                                         
Get-OPSStackProvisioningParameter                  DescribeStackProvisioningParameters           AWS Ops Works                                         
Get-OPSStackSummary                                DescribeStackSummary                          AWS Ops Works                                         
Get-OPSTimeBasedAutoScaling                        DescribeTimeBasedAutoScaling                  AWS Ops Works                                         
Get-OPSUserProfile                                 DescribeUserProfiles                          AWS Ops Works                                         
Get-OPSVolume                                      DescribeVolumes                               AWS Ops Works                                         
Grant-OPSAccess                                    GrantAccess                                   AWS Ops Works                                         
New-OPSApp                                         CreateApp                                     AWS Ops Works                                         
New-OPSDeployment                                  CreateDeployment                              AWS Ops Works                                         
New-OPSInstance                                    CreateInstance                                AWS OpsWorks                                         
New-OPSLayer                                       CreateLayer                                   AWS Ops Works                                         
New-OPSStack                                       CreateStack                                   AWS Ops Works                                         
New-OPSUserProfile                                 CreateUserProfile                             AWS Ops Works                                         
Register-OPSEcsCluster                             RegisterEcsCluster                            AWS Ops Works                                         
Register-OPSElasticIp                              RegisterElasticIp                             AWS Ops Works                                         
Register-OPSInstance                               RegisterInstance                              AWS Ops Works                                         
Register-OPSInstanceAssignment                     AssignInstance                                AWS Ops Works                                         
Register-OPSRdsDbInstance                          RegisterRdsDbInstance                         AWS Ops Works                                         
Register-OPSVolume                                 RegisterVolume                                AWS Ops Works                                         
Remove-OPSApp                                      DeleteApp                                     AWS Ops Works                                         
Remove-OPSElasticIp                                DisassociateElasticIp                         AWS Ops Works                                         
Remove-OPSInstance                                 DeleteInstance                                AWS Ops Works                                         
Remove-OPSLayer                                    DeleteLayer                                   AWS Ops Works                                         
Remove-OPSResourceTag                              UntagResource                                 AWS Ops Works                                         
Remove-OPSStack                                    DeleteStack                                   AWS Ops Works                                         
Remove-OPSUserProfile                              DeleteUserProfile                             AWS Ops Works                                         
Remove-OPSVolume                                   UnassignVolume                                AWS Ops Works                                         
Restart-OPSInstance                                RebootInstance                                AWS Ops Works                                         
Set-OPSLoadBasedAutoScaling                        SetLoadBasedAutoScaling                       AWS Ops Works                                         
Set-OPSPermission                                  SetPermission                                 AWS Ops Works                                         
Set-OPSTimeBasedAutoScaling                        SetTimeBasedAutoScaling                       AWS Ops Works                                         
Start-OPSInstance                                  StartInstance                                 AWS Ops Works                                         
Start-OPSStack                                     StartStack                                    AWS Ops Works                                         
Stop-OPSInstance                                   StopInstance                                  AWS Ops Works                                         
Stop-OPSStack                                      StopStack                                     AWS Ops Works                                         
Unregister-OPSEcsCluster                           DeregisterEcsCluster                          AWS Ops Works                                         
Unregister-OPSElasticIp                            DeregisterElasticIp                           AWS Ops Works                                         
Unregister-OPSInstance                             DeregisterInstance                            AWS Ops Works                                         
Unregister-OPSInstanceAssignment                   UnassignInstance                              AWS Ops Works                                         
Unregister-OPSRdsDbInstance                        DeregisterRdsDbInstance                       AWS Ops Works                                         
Unregister-OPSVolume                               DeregisterVolume                              AWS Ops Works                                         
Update-OPSApp                                      UpdateApp                                     AWS Ops Works                                         
Update-OPSElasticIp                                UpdateElasticIp                               AWS Ops Works                                         
Update-OPSInstance                                 UpdateInstance                                AWS Ops Works                                         
Update-OPSLayer                                    UpdateLayer                                   AWS Ops Works                                         
Update-OPSMyUserProfile                            UpdateMyUserProfile                           AWS Ops Works                                         
Update-OPSRdsDbInstance                            UpdateRdsDbInstance                           AWS Ops Works                                         
Update-OPSStack                                    UpdateStack                                   AWS Ops Works                                         
Update-OPSUserProfile                              UpdateUserProfile                             AWS Ops Works                                         
Update-OPSVolume                                   UpdateVolume                                  AWS Ops Works                                         
Add-OWCMNode                                       AssociateNode                                 AWS Ops WorksCM                                       
Add-OWCMResourceTag                                TagResource                                   AWS Ops WorksCM                                       
Export-OWCMServerEngineAttribute                   ExportServerEngineAttribute                   AWS Ops WorksCM                                       
Get-OWCMAccountAttribute                           DescribeAccountAttributes                     AWS Ops WorksCM                                       
Get-OWCMBackupList                                 DescribeBackups                               AWS Ops WorksCM                                       
Get-OWCMEventList                                  DescribeEvents                                AWS Ops WorksCM                                       
Get-OWCMNodeAssociationStatus                      DescribeNodeAssociationStatus                 AWS Ops WorksCM                                       
Get-OWCMResourceTag                                ListTagsForResource                           AWS Ops WorksCM                                       
Get-OWCMServerList                                 DescribeServers                               AWS Ops WorksCM                                       
New-OWCMBackup                                     CreateBackup                                  AWS Ops WorksCM                                       
New-OWCMServer                                     CreateServer                                  AWS Ops WorksCM                                       
Remove-OWCMBackup                                  DeleteBackup                                  AWS Ops WorksCM                                       
Remove-OWCMNode                                    DisassociateNode                              AWS Ops WorksCM                                       
Remove-OWCMResourceTag                             UntagResource                                 AWS Ops WorksCM                                       
Remove-OWCMServer                                  DeleteServer                                  AWS Ops WorksCM                                       
Restore-OWCMServer                                 RestoreServer                                 AWS Ops WorksCM                                       
Start-OWCMMaintenance                              StartMaintenance                              AWS Ops WorksCM                                       
Update-OWCMServer                                  UpdateServer                                  AWS Ops WorksCM                                       
Update-OWCMServerEngineAttribute                   UpdateServerEngineAttributes                  AWS Ops WorksCM                                       

You can also check other AWS Services, and each services cmdlets we are providing.

Click on this Link for an Single place, where you get all the PowerShell cmdlets sorted based on the modules.

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References are taken from Microsoft and AWS

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