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AWS Elemental MediaLive

AWS Elemental MediaLive is a broadcast-grade live video processing service. It lets you create high-quality video streams for delivery to broadcast televisions and internet-connected multiscreen devices, like connected TVs, tablets, smart phones, and set-top boxes. The service works by encoding your live video streams in real-time, taking a larger-sized live video source and compressing it into smaller versions for distribution to your viewers. With AWS Elemental MediaLive, you can easily set up streams for both live events and 24×7 channels with advanced broadcasting features, high availability, and pay-as-you-go pricing. AWS Elemental MediaLive lets you focus on creating compelling live video experiences for your viewers without the complexity of building and operating broadcast-grade video processing infrastructure.

Below are the cmdlets which are available with AWS Elemental MediaLive

Add-EMLResourceTag                                 CreateTags                                    
Get-EMLChannel                                     DescribeChannel                               
Get-EMLChannelList                                 ListChannels                                  
Get-EMLInput                                       DescribeInput                                 
Get-EMLInputDevice                                 DescribeInputDevice                           
Get-EMLInputDeviceList                             ListInputDevices                              
Get-EMLInputList                                   ListInputs                                    
Get-EMLInputSecurityGroup                          DescribeInputSecurityGroup                    
Get-EMLInputSecurityGroupList                      ListInputSecurityGroups                       
Get-EMLMultiplex                                   DescribeMultiplex                             
Get-EMLMultiplexList                               ListMultiplexes                               
Get-EMLMultiplexProgram                            DescribeMultiplexProgram                      
Get-EMLMultiplexProgramList                        ListMultiplexPrograms                         
Get-EMLOffering                                    DescribeOffering                              
Get-EMLOfferingList                                ListOfferings                                 
Get-EMLReservation                                 DescribeReservation                           
Get-EMLReservationList                             ListReservations                              
Get-EMLResourceTag                                 ListTagsForResource                           
Get-EMLSchedule                                    DescribeSchedule                              
New-EMLChannel                                     CreateChannel                                 
New-EMLInput                                       CreateInput                                   
New-EMLInputSecurityGroup                          CreateInputSecurityGroup                      
New-EMLMultiplex                                   CreateMultiplex                               
New-EMLMultiplexProgram                            CreateMultiplexProgram                        
New-EMLOfferingPurchase                            PurchaseOffering                              
Remove-EMLChannel                                  DeleteChannel                                 
Remove-EMLInput                                    DeleteInput                                   
Remove-EMLInputSecurityGroup                       DeleteInputSecurityGroup                      
Remove-EMLMultiplex                                DeleteMultiplex                               
Remove-EMLMultiplexProgram                         DeleteMultiplexProgram                        
Remove-EMLReservation                              DeleteReservation                             
Remove-EMLResourceTag                              DeleteTags                                    
Remove-EMLSchedule                                 DeleteSchedule                                
Start-EMLChannel                                   StartChannel                                  
Start-EMLMultiplex                                 StartMultiplex                                
Stop-EMLChannel                                    StopChannel                                   
Stop-EMLMultiplex                                  StopMultiplex                                 
Update-EMLChannel                                  UpdateChannel                                 
Update-EMLChannelClass                             UpdateChannelClass                            
Update-EMLInput                                    UpdateInput                                   
Update-EMLInputDevice                              UpdateInputDevice                             
Update-EMLInputSecurityGroup                       UpdateInputSecurityGroup                      
Update-EMLMultiplex                                UpdateMultiplex                               
Update-EMLMultiplexProgram                         UpdateMultiplexProgram                        
Update-EMLReservation                              UpdateReservation                             
Update-EMLScheduleBatch                            BatchUpdateSchedule                           

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References are taken from Microsoft and AWS

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