AWS Auto ScalingAWS

AWS Auto ScalingAWS monitors your applications and automatically adjusts capacity to maintain steady, predictable performance at the lowest possible cost. Using AWS Auto Scaling, it’s easy to setup application scaling for multiple resources across multiple services in minutes. The service provides a simple, powerful user interface that lets you build scaling plans for resources including Amazon EC2 instances and Spot Fleets, Amazon ECS tasks, Amazon DynamoDB tables and indexes, and Amazon Aurora Replicas. AWS Auto Scaling makes scaling simple with recommendations that allow you to optimize performance, costs, or balance between them. If you’re already using Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling to dynamically scale your Amazon EC2 instances, you can now combine it with AWS Auto Scaling to scale additional resources for other AWS services. With AWS Auto Scaling, your applications always have the right resources at the right time.

It’s easy to get started with AWS Auto ScalingAWS using the AWS Management Console, Command Line Interface (CLI), or SDK. AWS Auto Scaling is available at no additional charge. You pay only for the AWS resources needed to run your applications and Amazon CloudWatch monitoring fees.

Below are the cmdlets which are available with AWS Auto Scaling

Add-ASLoadBalancer                                 AttachLoadBalancers                           AWS Auto Scaling                                     
Add-ASLoadBalancerTargetGroup                      AttachLoadBalancerTargetGroups                AWS Auto Scaling                                     
Complete-ASLifecycleAction                         CompleteLifecycleAction                       AWS Auto Scaling                                     
Disable-ASMetricsCollection                        DisableMetricsCollection                      AWS Auto Scaling                                     
Dismount-ASInstance                                DetachInstances                               AWS Auto Scaling                                     
Dismount-ASLoadBalancer                            DetachLoadBalancers                           AWS Auto Scaling                                     
Dismount-ASLoadBalancerTargetGroup                 DetachLoadBalancerTargetGroups                AWS Auto Scaling                                     
Enable-ASMetricsCollection                         EnableMetricsCollection                       AWS Auto Scaling                                     
Enter-ASStandby                                    EnterStandby                                  AWS Auto Scaling                                     
Exit-ASStandby                                     ExitStandby                                   AWS Auto Scaling                                     
Get-ASAccountLimit                                 DescribeAccountLimits                         AWS Auto Scaling                                     
Get-ASAdjustmentType                               DescribeAdjustmentTypes                       AWS Auto Scaling                                     
Get-ASAutoScalingGroup                             DescribeAutoScalingGroups                     AWS Auto Scaling                                     
Get-ASAutoScalingInstance                          DescribeAutoScalingInstances                  AWS Auto Scaling                                     
Get-ASAutoScalingNotificationType                  DescribeAutoScalingNotificationTypes          AWS Auto Scaling                                     
Get-ASLaunchConfiguration                          DescribeLaunchConfigurations                  AWS Auto Scaling                                     
Get-ASLifecycleHook                                DescribeLifecycleHooks                        AWS Auto Scaling                                     
Get-ASLifecycleHookType                            DescribeLifecycleHookTypes                    AWS Auto Scaling                                     
Get-ASLoadBalancer                                 DescribeLoadBalancers                         AWS Auto Scaling                                     
Get-ASLoadBalancerTargetGroup                      DescribeLoadBalancerTargetGroups              AWS Auto Scaling                                     
Get-ASMetricCollectionType                         DescribeMetricCollectionTypes                 AWS Auto Scaling                                     
Get-ASNotificationConfiguration                    DescribeNotificationConfigurations            AWS Auto Scaling                                     
Get-ASPolicy                                       DescribePolicies                              AWS Auto Scaling                                     
Get-ASScalingActivity                              DescribeScalingActivities                     AWS Auto Scaling                                     
Get-ASScalingProcessType                           DescribeScalingProcessTypes                   AWS Auto Scaling                                     
Get-ASScheduledAction                              DescribeScheduledActions                      AWS Auto Scaling                                     
Get-ASTag                                          DescribeTags                                  AWS Auto Scaling                                     
Get-ASTerminationPolicyType                        DescribeTerminationPolicyTypes                AWS Auto Scaling                                     
Mount-ASInstance                                   AttachInstances                               AWS Auto Scaling                                     
New-ASAutoScalingGroup                             CreateAutoScalingGroup                        AWS Auto Scaling                                     
New-ASLaunchConfiguration                          CreateLaunchConfiguration                     AWS Auto Scaling                                     
Remove-ASAutoScalingGroup                          DeleteAutoScalingGroup                        AWS Auto Scaling                                     
Remove-ASLaunchConfiguration                       DeleteLaunchConfiguration                     AWS Auto Scaling                                     
Remove-ASLifecycleHook                             DeleteLifecycleHook                           AWS Auto Scaling                                     
Remove-ASNotificationConfiguration                 DeleteNotificationConfiguration               AWS Auto Scaling                                     
Remove-ASPolicy                                    DeletePolicy                                  AWS Auto Scaling                                     
Remove-ASScheduledAction                           DeleteScheduledAction                         AWS Auto Scaling                                     
Remove-ASScheduledActionBatch                      BatchDeleteScheduledAction                    AWS Auto Scaling                                     
Remove-ASTag                                       DeleteTags                                    AWS Auto Scaling                                     
Resume-ASProcess                                   ResumeProcesses                               AWS Auto Scaling                                     
Set-ASDesiredCapacity                              SetDesiredCapacity                            AWS Auto Scaling                                     
Set-ASInstanceHealth                               SetInstanceHealth                             AWS Auto Scaling                                     
Set-ASInstanceProtection                           SetInstanceProtection                         AWS Auto Scaling                                     
Set-ASScheduledUpdateGroupActionBatch              BatchPutScheduledUpdateGroupAction            AWS Auto Scaling                                     
Set-ASTag                                          CreateOrUpdateTags                            AWS Auto Scaling                                     
Start-ASPolicy                                     ExecutePolicy                                 AWS Auto Scaling                                     
Stop-ASInstanceInAutoScalingGroup                  TerminateInstanceInAutoScalingGroup           AWS Auto Scaling                                     
Suspend-ASProcess                                  SuspendProcesses                              AWS Auto Scaling                                     
Update-ASAutoScalingGroup                          UpdateAutoScalingGroup                        AWS Auto Scaling                                     
Write-ASLifecycleActionHeartbeat                   RecordLifecycleActionHeartbeat                AWS Auto Scaling                                     
Write-ASLifecycleHook                              PutLifecycleHook                              AWS Auto Scaling                                     
Write-ASNotificationConfiguration                  PutNotificationConfiguration                  AWS Auto Scaling                                     
Write-ASScalingPolicy                              PutScalingPolicy                              AWS Auto Scaling                                     
Write-ASScheduledUpdateGroupAction                 PutScheduledUpdateGroupAction                 AWS Auto Scaling                                     
Get-ASPScalingPlan                                 DescribeScalingPlans                          AWS Auto Scaling Plans                               
Get-ASPScalingPlanResource                         DescribeScalingPlanResources                  AWS Auto Scaling Plans                               
Get-ASPScalingPlanResourceForecastData             GetScalingPlanResourceForecastData            AWS Auto Scaling Plans                               
New-ASPScalingPlan                                 CreateScalingPlan                             AWS Auto Scaling Plans                               
Remove-ASPScalingPlan                              DeleteScalingPlan                             AWS Auto Scaling Plans                               
Update-ASPScalingPlan                              UpdateScalingPlan                             AWS Auto Scaling Plans                               

You can also check other AWS Services, and each services cmdlets we are providing.

Click on this Link for an Single place, where you get all the PowerShell cmdlets sorted based on the modules.

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References are taken from Microsoft and AWS

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