Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) is a fully managed messaging service for both system-to-system and app-to-person (A2P) communication. It enables you to communicate between systems through publish/subscribe (pub/sub) patterns that enable messaging between decoupled microservice applications or to communicate directly to users via SMS, mobile push and email.
The system-to-system pub/sub functionality provides topics for high-throughput, push-based, many-to-many messaging. Using Amazon SNS topics, your publisher systems can fanout messages to a large number of subscriber systems or customer endpoints including Amazon SQS queues, AWS Lambda functions and HTTP/S, for parallel processing. The A2P messaging functionality enables you to send messages to users at scale using either a pub/sub pattern or direct-publish messages using a single API.
Below are the cmdlets which are available with Amazon Simple Notification Service
CmdletName | ServiceOperation |
Add-SNSPermission | AddPermission |
Add-SNSResourceTag | TagResource |
Confirm-SNSSubscription | ConfirmSubscription |
Connect-SNSNotification | Subscribe |
Disconnect-SNSNotification | Unsubscribe |
Enable-SNSPhoneNumber | OptInPhoneNumber |
Get-SNSEndpointAttribute | GetEndpointAttributes |
Get-SNSEndpointsByPlatformApplication | ListEndpointsByPlatformApplication |
Get-SNSPhoneNumbersOptedOut | ListPhoneNumbersOptedOut |
Get-SNSPlatformApplicationAttribute | GetPlatformApplicationAttributes |
Get-SNSPlatformApplicationList | ListPlatformApplications |
Get-SNSResourceTag | ListTagsForResource |
Get-SNSSMSAttribute | GetSMSAttributes |
Get-SNSSubscription | ListSubscriptions |
Get-SNSSubscriptionAttribute | GetSubscriptionAttributes |
Get-SNSSubscriptionByTopic | ListSubscriptionsByTopic |
Get-SNSTopic | ListTopics |
Get-SNSTopicAttribute | GetTopicAttributes |
New-SNSPlatformApplication | CreatePlatformApplication |
New-SNSPlatformEndpoint | CreatePlatformEndpoint |
New-SNSTopic | CreateTopic |
Publish-SNSMessage | Publish |
Remove-SNSEndpoint | DeleteEndpoint |
Remove-SNSPermission | RemovePermission |
Remove-SNSPlatformApplication | DeletePlatformApplication |
Remove-SNSResourceTag | UntagResource |
Remove-SNSTopic | DeleteTopic |
Set-SNSEndpointAttribute | SetEndpointAttributes |
Set-SNSPlatformApplicationAttribute | SetPlatformApplicationAttributes |
Set-SNSSMSAttribute | SetSMSAttributes |
Set-SNSSubscriptionAttribute | SetSubscriptionAttributes |
Set-SNSTopicAttribute | SetTopicAttributes |
Test-SNSIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOut | CheckIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOut |
You can also check other AWS Services, and each services cmdlets we are providing.