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Amazon Kendra

Amazon Kendra is a highly accurate and easy to use enterprise search service that’s powered by machine learning. Kendra delivers powerful natural language search capabilities to your websites and applications so your end users can more easily find the information they need within the vast amount of content spread across your company.

Below are the cmdlets which are available with Amazon Kendra

Add-KNDRResourceTag                                TagResource                                   
Get-KNDRDataSource                                 DescribeDataSource                            
Get-KNDRDataSourceList                             ListDataSources                               
Get-KNDRDataSourceSyncJobList                      ListDataSourceSyncJobs                        
Get-KNDRFaq                                        DescribeFaq                                   
Get-KNDRFaqList                                    ListFaqs                                      
Get-KNDRIndex                                      DescribeIndex                                 
Get-KNDRIndexList                                  ListIndices                                   
Get-KNDRResourceTag                                ListTagsForResource                           
Invoke-KNDRQuery                                   Query                                         
New-KNDRDataSource                                 CreateDataSource                              
New-KNDRFaq                                        CreateFaq                                     
New-KNDRIndex                                      CreateIndex                                   
Remove-KNDRDataSource                              DeleteDataSource                              
Remove-KNDRDocumentBatch                           BatchDeleteDocument                           
Remove-KNDRFaq                                     DeleteFaq                                     
Remove-KNDRIndex                                   DeleteIndex                                   
Remove-KNDRResourceTag                             UntagResource                                 
Send-KNDRFeedback                                  SubmitFeedback                                
Start-KNDRDataSourceSyncJob                        StartDataSourceSyncJob                        
Stop-KNDRDataSourceSyncJob                         StopDataSourceSyncJob                         
Update-KNDRDataSource                              UpdateDataSource                              
Update-KNDRIndex                                   UpdateIndex                                   
Write-KNDRDocumentBatch                            BatchPutDocument                              

You can also check other AWS Services, and each services cmdlets we are providing.

Click on this Link for an Single place, where you get all the PowerShell cmdlets sorted based on the modules.

You can also refer other blogs on PowerShell at link

You can also refer other blogs on Microsoft at link

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References are taken from Microsoft and AWS

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