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Amazon API Gateway

Amazon API Gateway is a fully managed AWS Service that makes it easy for developers to create, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs at any scale. APIs act as the “front door” for applications to access data, business logic, or functionality from your backend services. Using API Gateway, you can create RESTful APIs and WebSocket APIs that enable real-time two-way communication applications. API Gateway supports containerized and serverless workloads, as well as web applications.

Amazon API Gateway is a fully managed AWS Service that makes it easy for developers to create, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs at any scale. APIs act as the “front door” for applications to access data, business logic, or functionality from your backend services. Using API Gateway, you can create RESTful APIs and WebSocket APIs that enable real-time two-way communication applications. API Gateway supports containerized and serverless workloads, as well as web applications.

API Gateway handles all the tasks involved in accepting and processing up to hundreds of thousands of concurrent API calls, including traffic management, CORS support, authorization and access control, throttling, monitoring, and API version management. API Gateway has no minimum fees or startup costs. You pay for the API calls you receive and the amount of data transferred out and, with the API Gateway tiered pricing model, you can reduce your cost as your API usage scales.

API Gateway handles all the tasks involved in accepting and processing up to hundreds of thousands of concurrent API calls, including traffic management, CORS support, authorization and access control, throttling, monitoring, and API version management. API Gateway has no minimum fees or startup costs. You pay for the API calls you receive and the amount of data transferred out and, with the API Gateway tiered pricing model, you can reduce your cost as your API usage scales.

Below are the cmdlets which are available with Amazon API Gateway

Below are the cmdlets which are available with Amazon API Gateway

CmdletName                                      ServiceOperation                          
Add-AGResourceTag                                  TagResource                                   
Clear-AGStageAuthorizersCache                      FlushStageAuthorizersCache                    
Clear-AGStageCache                                 FlushStageCache                               
Get-AGAccount                                      GetAccount                                    
Get-AGApiKey                                       GetApiKey                                     
Get-AGApiKeyList                                   GetApiKeys                                    
Get-AGAuthorizer                                   GetAuthorizer                                 
Get-AGAuthorizerList                               GetAuthorizers                                
Get-AGBasePathMapping                              GetBasePathMapping                            
Get-AGBasePathMappingList                          GetBasePathMappings                           
Get-AGClientCertificate                            GetClientCertificate                          
Get-AGClientCertificateList                        GetClientCertificates                         
Get-AGDeployment                                   GetDeployment                                 
Get-AGDeploymentList                               GetDeployments                                
Get-AGDocumentationPart                            GetDocumentationPart                          
Get-AGDocumentationPartList                        GetDocumentationParts                         
Get-AGDocumentationVersion                         GetDocumentationVersion                       
Get-AGDocumentationVersionList                     GetDocumentationVersions                      
Get-AGDomainName                                   GetDomainName                                 
Get-AGDomainNameList                               GetDomainNames                                
Get-AGExport                                       GetExport                                     
Get-AGGatewayResponse                              GetGatewayResponse                            
Get-AGGatewayResponseList                          GetGatewayResponses                           
Get-AGIntegration                                  GetIntegration                                
Get-AGIntegrationResponse                          GetIntegrationResponse                        
Get-AGMethod                                       GetMethod                                     
Get-AGMethodResponse                               GetMethodResponse                             
Get-AGModel                                        GetModel                                      
Get-AGModelList                                    GetModels                                     
Get-AGModelTemplate                                GetModelTemplate                              
Get-AGRequestValidator                             GetRequestValidator                           
Get-AGResource                                     GetResource                                   
Get-AGResourceList                                 GetResources                                  
Get-AGResourceTag                                  GetTags                                       
Get-AGRestApi                                      GetRestApi                                    
Get-AGRestApiList                                  GetRestApis                                   
Get-AGSdk                                          GetSdk                                        
Get-AGSdkType                                      GetSdkType                                    
Get-AGSdkTypeList                                  GetSdkTypes                                   
Get-AGStage                                        GetStage                                      
Get-AGStageList                                    GetStages                                     
Get-AGUsage                                        GetUsage                                      
Get-AGUsagePlan                                    GetUsagePlan                                  
Get-AGUsagePlanKey                                 GetUsagePlanKey                               
Get-AGUsagePlanKeyList                             GetUsagePlanKeys                              
Get-AGUsagePlanList                                GetUsagePlans                                 
Get-AGValidatorList                                GetRequestValidators                          
Get-AGVpcLink                                      GetVpcLink                                    
Get-AGVpcLinkList                                  GetVpcLinks                                   
Import-AGApiKey                                    ImportApiKeys                                 
Import-AGDocumentationPartList                     ImportDocumentationParts                      
Import-AGRestApi                                   ImportRestApi                                 
New-AGApiKey                                       CreateApiKey                                  
New-AGAuthorizer                                   CreateAuthorizer                              
New-AGBasePathMapping                              CreateBasePathMapping                         
New-AGClientCertificate                            GenerateClientCertificate                     
New-AGDeployment                                   CreateDeployment                              
New-AGDocumentationPart                            CreateDocumentationPart                       
New-AGDocumentationVersion                         CreateDocumentationVersion                    
New-AGDomainName                                   CreateDomainName                              
New-AGModel                                        CreateModel                                   
New-AGRequestValidator                             CreateRequestValidator                        
New-AGResource                                     CreateResource                                
New-AGRestApi                                      CreateRestApi                                 
New-AGStage                                        CreateStage                                   
New-AGUsagePlan                                    CreateUsagePlan                               
New-AGUsagePlanKey                                 CreateUsagePlanKey                            
New-AGVpcLink                                      CreateVpcLink                                 
Remove-AGApiKey                                    DeleteApiKey                                  
Remove-AGAuthorizer                                DeleteAuthorizer                              
Remove-AGBasePathMapping                           DeleteBasePathMapping                         
Remove-AGClientCertificate                         DeleteClientCertificate                       
Remove-AGDeployment                                DeleteDeployment                              
Remove-AGDocumentationPart                         DeleteDocumentationPart                       
Remove-AGDocumentationVersion                      DeleteDocumentationVersion                    
Remove-AGDomainName                                DeleteDomainName                              
Remove-AGGatewayResponse                           DeleteGatewayResponse                         
Remove-AGIntegration                               DeleteIntegration                             
Remove-AGIntegrationResponse                       DeleteIntegrationResponse                     
Remove-AGMethod                                    DeleteMethod                                  
Remove-AGMethodResponse                            DeleteMethodResponse                          
Remove-AGModel                                     DeleteModel                                   
Remove-AGRequestValidator                          DeleteRequestValidator                        
Remove-AGResource                                  DeleteResource                                
Remove-AGResourceTag                               UntagResource                                 
Remove-AGRestApi                                   DeleteRestApi                                 
Remove-AGStage                                     DeleteStage                                   
Remove-AGUsagePlan                                 DeleteUsagePlan                               
Remove-AGUsagePlanKey                              DeleteUsagePlanKey                            
Remove-AGVpcLink                                   DeleteVpcLink                                 
Test-AGInvokeAuthorizer                            TestInvokeAuthorizer                          
Test-AGInvokeMethod                                TestInvokeMethod                              
Update-AGAccount                                   UpdateAccount                                 
Update-AGApiKey                                    UpdateApiKey                                  
Update-AGAuthorizer                                UpdateAuthorizer                              
Update-AGBasePathMapping                           UpdateBasePathMapping                         
Update-AGClientCertificate                         UpdateClientCertificate                       
Update-AGDeployment                                UpdateDeployment                              
Update-AGDocumentationPart                         UpdateDocumentationPart                       
Update-AGDocumentationVersion                      UpdateDocumentationVersion                    
Update-AGDomainName                                UpdateDomainName                              
Update-AGGatewayResponse                           UpdateGatewayResponse                         
Update-AGIntegration                               UpdateIntegration                             
Update-AGIntegrationResponse                       UpdateIntegrationResponse                     
Update-AGMethod                                    UpdateMethod                                  
Update-AGMethodResponse                            UpdateMethodResponse                          
Update-AGModel                                     UpdateModel                                   
Update-AGRequestValidator                          UpdateRequestValidator                        
Update-AGResource                                  UpdateResource                                
Update-AGRestApi                                   UpdateRestApi                                 
Update-AGStage                                     UpdateStage                                   
Update-AGUsage                                     UpdateUsage                                   
Update-AGUsagePlan                                 UpdateUsagePlan                               
Update-AGVpcLink                                   UpdateVpcLink                                 
Write-AGGatewayResponse                            PutGatewayResponse                            
Write-AGIntegration                                PutIntegration                                
Write-AGIntegrationResponse                        PutIntegrationResponse                        
Write-AGMethod                                     PutMethod                                     
Write-AGMethodResponse                             PutMethodResponse                             
Write-AGRestApi                                    PutRestApi                                    

You can also check other AWS Services, and each services cmdlets we are providing.

You can also check other AWS Services, and each services cmdlets we are providing.

Click on this Link for an Single place, where you get all the PowerShell cmdlets sorted based on the modules.
Click on this Link for an Single place, where you get all the PowerShell cmdlets sorted based on the modules.

Click on this Link for an Single place, where you get all the PowerShell cmdlets sorted based on the modules.
Click on this Link for an Single place, where you get all the PowerShell cmdlets sorted based on the modules.

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You can also refer other blogs on PowerShell at link

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References are taken from Microsoft
References are taken from Microsoft
and AWS

References are taken from Microsoft
References are taken from Microsoft
and AWS

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