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Disable-Appv is accessible with the help of AppVClient module. To configure AppVClient, go through this link.


Disables the App-V service.


The Disable-Appv cmdlet disables the Microsoft Application Virtualization (App-V) service on Windows 10 Anniversary Edition computers. This cmdlet disables the download of all App-V apps from App-V Server or Configuration Manager. If this cmdlet succeeds, it returns a message. You must restart the computer for the change to take effect.


Disable-Appv []

————Example 1————
Disable the App-V service
PS C:\> Disable-Appv
This command disables the App-V service.

You can check the Version, CommandType and Source of this cmdlet by giving below command.

Get-Command Disable-Appv

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References are taken from Microsoft

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