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This blog contains the brief descriptions of the Windows PowerShell cmdlets that are for use in administering the Active Directory Federation Services(ADFS).

By default on Windows Server 2016 or Windows server 2019 this module will not be installed. we want to install it manually. Below are the steps to install them Manually.

Installing Active Directory Federation Services through Powershell(CLI)

Go to PowerShell With Administrator access. Give the below command

Install-WindowsFeature ADFS-Federation

Installing Active Directory Federation Services through Server Manager Tool GUI

Click on Start > Server Manager > Manage > Add Roles and Features

Once You have completed with the Above Procedure we can use all the commands(cmdlets) which are associated with Active Directory Federation Services

Click on adfs to get all the commands(cmdlets) which is under this module

Click on this Link for an Single place where you get all the PowerShell cmdlet sorted based on the modules.

You can also refer other blogs on PowerShell at link

You can also refer other blogs on Microsoft at link

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References are taken from official Microsoft websites

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