Install-WindowsFeature -Name Web-Mgmt-Tools,Web-App-Dev,Web-Security,Web-Performance, Web-Webserver,Web-Application-Proxy -IncludeAllSubFeature
Roles Service | Name |
Web Server | Web-WebServer |
Common HTTP Features | Web-Common-Http |
Default Document | Web-Default-Doc |
Directory Browsing | Web-Dir-Browsing |
HTTP Errors | Web-Http-Errors |
Static Content | Web-Static-Content |
HTTP Redirection | Web-Http-Redirect |
WebDAV Publishing | Web-DAV-Publishing |
Health and Diagnostics | Web-Health |
HTTP Logging | Web-Http-Logging |
Custom Logging | Web-Custom-Logging |
Logging Tools | Web-Log-Libraries |
ODBC Logging | Web-ODBC-Logging |
Request Monitor | Web-Request-Monitor |
Tracing | Web-Http-Tracing |
Performance | Web-Performance |
Static Content Compression | Web-Stat-Compression |
Dynamic Content Compression | Web-Dyn-Compression |
Security | Web-Security |
Request Filtering | Web-Filtering |
Basic Authentication | Web-Basic-Auth |
Centralized SSL Certificate Support | Web-CertProvider |
Client Certificate Mapping Authentication | Web-Client-Auth |
Digest Authentication | Web-Digest-Auth |
IIS Client Certificate Mapping Authentication | Web-Cert-Auth |
IP and Domain Restrictions | Web-IP-Security |
URL Authorization | Web-Url-Auth |
Windows Authentication | Web-Windows-Auth |
Application Development | Web-App-Dev |
.NET Extensibility 3.5 | Web-Net-Ext |
.NET Extensibility 4.6 | Web-Net-Ext45 |
Application Initialization | Web-AppInit |
ASP | Web-ASP |
ASP.NET 3.5 | Web-Asp-Net |
ASP.NET 4.6 | Web-Asp-Net45 |
CGI | Web-CGI |
ISAPI Extensions | Web-ISAPI-Ext |
ISAPI Filters | Web-ISAPI-Filter |
Server Side Includes | Web-Includes |
WebSocket Protocol | Web-WebSockets |
FTP Server | Web-Ftp-Server |
FTP Service | Web-Ftp-Service |
FTP Extensibility | Web-Ftp-Ext |
Management Tools | Web-Mgmt-Tools |
IIS 6 Management Compatibility | Web-Mgmt-Compat |
IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility | Web-Metabase |
IIS 6 Scripting Tools | Web-Lgcy-Scripting |
IIS 6 WMI Compatibility | Web-WMI |
IIS Management Scripts and Tools | Web-Scripting-Tools |
Management Service | Web-Mgmt-Service |